
  Energia consumata pentru a mentine confortul termic in cladiri reprezinta un procent semnificativ (20-40%) din energia totala consumata in tarile dezvoltate si de 10% din energia globala utilizata in 2010. Corespunzator, energia utilizata in cladiri are un impact major asupra emisiilor de CO2. Conform protocolului de la Kyoto din 1997 si a amendamentului de la Doha din 2012, trebuie luate masuri de economisire a energiei in cazul pierderilor energetice din cladiri si a emisiilor de CO2. Cea mai buna solutie pentru gestionarea pierderilor energetice este asa numita “abordare pasiva”, unde performantele termice pot fi imbunatatite prin anveloparea cladirilor (izolare termica si ferestre acoperite). In structurile urbane moderne, sticla este folosita, in principal, pentru acoperirea exterioara a cladirilor, desi este unul din cele mai ineficiente materiale din punct de vedere energetic. Prevenirea sau minimizarea pierderilor energetice cauzate de ineficienta sticlei au un impact direct asupra emisiilor de CO2. O fereastra inteligenta ideala ar trebui: (i) sa transmita in domeniul 300-750nm si (ii) sa blocheze radiatia in infrarosu (IR). In ultimii ani, comunitatea stiintifica a facut pasi importanti in eficientizarea ferestrelor inteligente prin folosirea de materiale termocromice, care moduleaza transmisia optica.

   The energy consumed to maintain thermal comfort inside buildings is a significant percentage of the total energy used reaching 20-40 % in the developed countries. This amount accounted for 10% of the global energy used in 2010. Consequently, building energy has a major impact on the energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. According to the Kyoto protocol in 1997 and the Doha Amendment in 2012, energy saving measures should be taken for the reduction of CO2 emissions and building energy losses. The best solution for reduction of energy losses is the so called “passive approach”. Based on this approach, the thermal performance can be increased by using building envelope techniques (e.g., thermal insulation and coated windows). In modern urban structures, glass is mainly used for the outer surface of the buildings. Glass as a material is one of the most inefficient components of buildings. Prevention or minimization of energy losses and enhancement of the thermal performance of the glass will reduce energy consumption in the building and CO2 emissions. An ideal-smart window should maintain a high visible light transmission, but it should control the infrared (IR) transmission. The control of the IR transmission and glazing characteristics are significant parameters in the building window standards for usage in smart windows. The scientific community has recently made attempts to improve the efficiency of smart windows with dynamic approaches. Thermochromic smart windows based on transition metal oxide coatings offer a very promising solution, having the ability of solar modulation and luminous transmittance.